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import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource;import javax.sql.DataSource;import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;import java.sql.*;public class Test {    private static Test ourInstance = new Test();    private DataSource dataSource = null;    public static Test getInstance() {        return ourInstance;    }    private Test() {        ComboPooledDataSource comboPooledDataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource();        try {            comboPooledDataSource.setDriverClass("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");            comboPooledDataSource.setJdbcUrl("");            comboPooledDataSource.setUser("root");            comboPooledDataSource.setPassword("");            comboPooledDataSource.setMaxPoolSize(3);            comboPooledDataSource.setMinPoolSize(1);            dataSource = comboPooledDataSource;            Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();            System.out.println("初始化成功");        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (SQLException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    public Connection getDataSource() throws SQLException {        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();        connection.getAutoCommit();        return connection;    }    public Connection getDataSource2() throws SQLException {        Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();        connection.setAutoCommit(false);        return connection;    }    public static ResultSet getResultSet(Connection connection, String sql, Object... objects) throws SQLException {        PreparedStatement connection1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);        for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {            connection1.setObject(i + 1, objects[i]);        }        ResultSet rs = connection1.executeQuery();        return rs;    }    public static int getUpdate(Connection connection, String sql, Object... objects) throws SQLException {        PreparedStatement pst = connection.prepareStatement(sql);        for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {            pst.setObject(i + 1, objects[i]);        }        int a = pst.executeUpdate();        return a;    }}
import YeWu.*;import YeWu.KaHaoException;import java.sql.*;public class Test2 {    /**     * @param CardNumber 卡号     * @param password   密码     * @throws SQLException       sql语法错误     * @throws KaHaoException     卡号错误     * @throws DongJieException   账户被冻结     * @throws MimaErrorException 密码错误     */    public static void YeWu(String CardNumber, String password) throws SQLException,            KaHaoException, DongJieException, MimaErrorException {        Connection connection = null;        try {            connection = Test.getInstance().getDataSource2();            ResultSet resultSet = Test.getResultSet(connection, "select*from Trading where CardNumber=?", CardNumber);            if (!resultSet.next()) {                throw new KaHaoException();            }            long ShiJian = resultSet.getTime("shijiantime").getTime();            long DangQian = System.currentTimeMillis();            if (resultSet.getInt("error") >= 3) {                if (DangQian > ShiJian) {                    Test.getUpdate(connection, "update Trading set error=0 where CardNumber=?", CardNumber);                    connection.commit();//写修改一定要提交不然事务就会自动回滚                } else {                    throw new DongJieException();                }            }            ResultSet rs = Test.getResultSet(connection,                    "select*from Trading where CardNumber=? and password=?",                    CardNumber, password);            if (!rs.next()) {                int a = resultSet.getInt("error");                if (a >= 2) {                    Test.getUpdate(connection,                            "UPDATE Tradin set jiesuotime=DATE_ADD(SYSDATE(), INTERVAL '0 00:01:00' DAY_SECOND) where CardNumber=?",                            CardNumber);                }                Test.getUpdate(connection,                        "update Trading set error=error+1 where CardNumber=?",                        CardNumber);                connection.commit();                throw new MimaErrorException();            }            connection.commit();        } finally {            connection.close();        }    }    /**     * @param CardNumber     * @return 查询     * @throws SQLException     * @throws KaHaoException     */    public static float CaXun(String CardNumber) throws KaHaoException, SQLException {        Connection connection = null;        float jine = 0;        try {            connection = Test.getInstance().getDataSource2();            ResultSet resultSet = Test.getResultSet(connection, "select meoney from Trading where CardNumber=?", CardNumber);            if (!resultSet.next()) {                throw new KaHaoException();            } else {                jine = resultSet.getInt("meoney");            }        } finally {            connection.close();        }        return jine;    }    /**     * @param CardNumber 卡号     * @param je         取款金额     */    public static void QuKuan(String CardNumber, float je) throws SQLException, YeBuZhuException, KaHaoException, WeiZhiException {        if (je <= 0) {            throw new YeBuZhuException();        }        Connection connection = null;        try {            connection = Test.getInstance().getDataSource2();            ResultSet resultSet = Test.getResultSet(connection,                    "Select*from Trading where CardNumber=?",                    CardNumber);            if (!resultSet.next()) {                throw new KaHaoException();            }            if (resultSet.getFloat("meoney") >= je) {                int a = Test.getUpdate(connection, "update Trading set meoney=meoney-? where CardNumber=?", je, CardNumber);                if (a >= 1) {                    int b = Test.getUpdate(connection,                            "INSERT INTO jinelog(uid,ctime,jin,type,info) VALUES(?,?,SYSDATE(),?,?,?)",                             CardNumber, je, "出", "取款业务"                    );                    connection.commit();                } else {                    throw new WeiZhiException();                }            } else {                throw new YeBuZhuException();            }        } finally {            connection.close();        }    }    /**     * 存款业务     *     * @throws SQLException     */    public static void CunKuan(String CardNumber, float meoney, String MiMa) throws YeBuZhuException, KaHaoException, WeiZhiException, SQLException {        if (meoney <= 0) {            throw new YeBuZhuException();        }        Connection connection = null;        try {            connection = Test.getInstance().getDataSource2();            ResultSet resultSet = Test.getResultSet(connection,                    "select*from Trading where CardNumber=?",                    CardNumber);            if (!resultSet.next()) {                throw new KaHaoException();            } else {                int a = Test.getUpdate(connection,                        "update Trading set meoney=meoney+? where CardNumber=?",                        meoney, CardNumber);                if (a < 1) {                    throw new WeiZhiException();                }                Test.getUpdate(connection,                        "INSERT INTO jinelog(uid,ctime,jin,type,info) VALUES(?,?,SYSDATE(),?,?,?)",                         CardNumber, meoney, "进", "存款业务"                );                connection.commit();            }        } finally {            connection.close();        }    }    public static void KaiHu(String CardNumber1, String password, String name) throws SQLException, KaHaoException {        Connection connection = null;        try {            connection = Test.getInstance().getDataSource2();            ResultSet resultSet = Test.getResultSet(connection,                    "select*from Trading where CardNumber=?",                    CardNumber1);            if (resultSet.next()) {                throw new KaHaoException();            }            int a = Test.getUpdate(connection,                    "INSERT INTO Trading(CardNumber,password,name,meoney,error,shijiantime) values(?,?,?,0,0,sysdate())",                    CardNumber1, password, name);            if (a < 1) {                throw new KaHaoException();            }            connection.commit();        } finally {            connection.close();        }    }    public static void ZhuanZhang(String CardNumber, float jine, String id, String name) throws KaHaoException, YeBuZhuException, ToKaHaoErrorException, WeiZhiException, SQLException {        if (jine <= 0) {            throw new YeBuZhuException();        }        Connection connection = null;        try {            connection = Test.getInstance().getDataSource2();            ResultSet rs2 = Test.getResultSet(connection,                    "select*from Trading where CardNumber=? and name=?",                    id, name);            if (!rs2.next()) {                throw new ToKaHaoErrorException();            }            ResultSet rs = Test.getResultSet(connection,                    "select*from Trading where CardNumber=?",                    CardNumber);            rs.next();            if (rs.getFloat("meoney") < jine) {                throw new YeBuZhuException();            }            int a = Test.getUpdate(connection,                    "update Trading set meoney=meoney-? where CardNumber=?",                    jine, CardNumber);            if (a <= 0) {                throw new KaHaoException();            }            int bb = Test.getUpdate(connection,                    "INSERT INTO jinelog(uid,ctime,jin,type,info) values(?,?,sysdate(),?,?,?)",                     CardNumber, jine, "出", "转账业务");            System.out.println(2);            if (bb <= 0) {                throw new WeiZhiException();            }            int tt = Test.getUpdate(connection,                    "update Trading set meoney=meoney+? where CardNumber=?",                    jine, id);            if (tt <= 0) {                throw new WeiZhiException();            }            int aa = Test.getUpdate(connection,                    "INSERT INTO jinelog(uid,ctime,jin,type,info) values(?,?,sysdate(),?,?,?)",                     id, jine, "进", "转账业务");            if (aa <= 0) {                throw new WeiZhiException();            }            connection.commit();        } finally {            connection.close();        }    }}
import YeWu.*;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.Scanner;public class Test3 {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);        while (true) {            System.out.println("---------------------");            System.out.println("    欢迎来到渣渣辉银行    ");            System.out.println("---------------------");            System.out.println("请选择您要办理的业务");            System.out.println("1.登录");            System.out.println("2.退出");            System.out.println("3.开户");            int XuanZhe = input.nextInt();            if (XuanZhe == 2) {                break;            } else if (XuanZhe == 1) {                System.out.print("请输入您的账号:");                String ZhangHu = input.next();                System.out.print("请输入您的密码:");                String MiMa = input.next();                try {                    Test2.YeWu(ZhangHu, MiMa);                    System.out.println("登录成功");                    while (true) {                        System.out.println("1.查询");                        System.out.println("2.取款");                        System.out.println("3.存款");                        System.out.println("4.转账");                        System.out.println("5.退出");                        int xuanzhe = input.nextInt();                        if (xuanzhe == 5) {                            break;                        } else if (xuanzhe == 1) {                            float j = Test2.CaXun(ZhangHu);                            System.out.println(j);                        } else if (xuanzhe == 2) {                            System.out.print("请输入您的取款金额:");                            float ji = input.nextFloat();                            try {                                Test2.QuKuan(ZhangHu, ji);                            } catch (YeBuZhuException e) {                                System.out.println("余额不足");                            } catch (WeiZhiException e) {                                System.out.println("未知错误");                            }                        } else if (xuanzhe == 3) {                            System.out.print("请输入您的存款金额:");                            float ji = input.nextFloat();                            try {                                Test2.CunKuan(ZhangHu, ji, MiMa);                            } catch (YeBuZhuException e) {                                System.out.println("余额不足");                            } catch (WeiZhiException e) {                                System.out.println("未知错误");                            }                        } else if (xuanzhe == 4) {                            System.out.print("请输入您的转账金额:");                            float je = input.nextFloat();                            System.out.print("请输入您的转账账户:");                            String id = input.next();                            System.out.print("请输入您转账对象的姓名:");                            String name = input.next();                            try {                                Test2.ZhuanZhang(ZhangHu, je, id, name);                            } catch (ToKaHaoErrorException e) {                                System.out.println("您转账的用户不存在");                            } catch (WeiZhiException e) {                                System.out.println("未知错误");                                ;                            } catch (YeBuZhuException e) {                                System.out.println("您的金额不足");                                ;                            }                        }                    }                } catch (SQLException e) {                    System.out.println("连接错误");                } catch (KaHaoException e) {                    System.out.println("卡号错误");                } catch (DongJieException e) {                    System.out.println("账号已被冻结");                } catch (MimaErrorException e) {                    System.out.println("密码错误");                }            } else if (XuanZhe == 3) {                System.out.print("请输入您的账号:");                String ZhangHao = input.next();                System.out.print("请输入您的密码:");                String MiMa = input.next();                System.out.print("请输入您的真实姓名:");                String name = input.next();                try {                    Test2.KaiHu(ZhangHao, MiMa, name);                } catch (SQLException e) {                    System.out.println("连接错误");                } catch (KaHaoException e) {                    System.out.println("卡号错误");                }            }        }    }}


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